Yesterday I lay in the hospital bed with our daughter who was receiving fluids and an ultrasound in order to investigate the severe illness she’d acquired. It was our second visit to the ER in two days. I wrapped my arm around her head and rested into her soft blonde hair as she grimaced in pain and clung to my shirt. So small, only 18 months, I felt helpless, guilty, overwhelmed.
Finally, after the high fevers, blood draws and ultrasounds she was diagnosed with both campylobacter and salmonella infections. What I wouldn’t have done to transfer her pain to me, I’ll tell you.
As she sat in my lap coloring I called Adam who was at home looking after our son Ash, scrolled Facebook, texted friends, grasping for memes and anything to lift my spirits. A memory popped up, 1 year ago to the day we were on a plane bound for Brisbane, a ticket we thought would be one day and land us at home in Australia where we’d plant roots and settle permanently.
What followed in that year were some of the most difficult, emotional and confronting times we’ve experienced personally, as a couple, as a family, as business owners. The year very much shaped the course of our lives, and we find ourselves finally at home on Maui and at peace with our decisions. There was so much guilt, regret, what if and why. But we refocused, and we became stronger in many ways (although not all – life has a steep learning curve).
Thank you for the messages of concern and kindness, every one will be read when we finally get some sleep (or at least power through a few cups of coffee). This image, titled “Marlin”, was photographed by Adam this week before we were forced to slow down and focus all attention where it was needed most. Our girl is recovering, and we once again find ourselves having taken so much for granted when we assumed we did not
Our new online ocean art gallery will be launching soon, complete with photographer templates and resources, and we’ll have a special introductory offer for our Insta followers – stay tuned, and thank you for your patience and support!
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Wondering what to wear for your Maui family session? We've got you!
water you wading for?
We can't wait to photograph you in Hawaii! Dive in with us to sea just how amazing a Maui photoshoot can be.
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